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You are invited to join us in our mission to end generational poverty by becoming a Corporate Partner. We are committed to building strong relationships with you through a variety of engagement opportunities that align with your values, corporate culture, community service, and business objectives.
Please reach out to David Jordan if your company is interested in learning more and or partnering with FriendsPDX at djordan@friendspdx.org.
Annual Sponsorship
Introducing the FriendsPDX Annual Sponsorship:
Event Sponsorship
Sponsorship allows you to select the right venue and audience for your business and marketing objectives. Each opportunity provides a unique audience with which you can engage your staff and your brand. Visit our events page for upcoming events!
Contact Us
Call or email to schedule a meeting with our Donor Relations team, please reach out to David Jordan at djordan@friendspdx.org or call our office at 503.281.6633