The Power of One

One Child. One Friend. 12+ years. No matter what.

Every child, no matter who they are or where they live, has dreams of doing big things. They have unique talents, and they face obstacles—sometimes, a lot more obstacles. “The Power of One” video shares the story of our youth and the extraordinary relationship they build with Friends—professional, salaried mentors—over the course of 12+ years, from kindergarten through high school graduation.

Any child in any situation can succeed, even those facing the most obstacles. Our youth go on to become leaders in their communities and successful in their careers. This has ripple effects to their siblings, peers, neighbors and their children, breaking the cycle of generational poverty.

Friends of the Children is growing rapidly as communities across the country are experiencing the power of how “One” changes a child's story: One Friend. One Child. 12+ years. No matter what. #ThePowerOfOne