March 26, 2015

Business Plan Award

Nationally recognized business plan.

Friends of the Children was selected as the winner of the Social Impact Exchange’s 2014 Business Plan Competition. The competition identifies social sector scaling initiatives with demonstrated impact and readiness to scale and supports them with financial and consulting awards. Friends of the Children received a financial award and consulting services from Theresa Schieber, a leader in nonprofit management and scaling social innovation.

With our plan to scale the model, Friends of the Children will reach thousands of more children over a three-year period. We have a three-pronged approach to growth:

  • We are demonstrating impact and building capacity to serve more children in chapters;
  • We are embedding our model in existing organizations to serve more children through affiliates; and
  • We are using our evidence to share what works, impacting children who face multiple systemic obstacles via collaborative partnerships.

Now validated by experts in the field, our plan to scale is taking Friends of the Children to the next level.