October 20, 2020

How To (Keep) Taking Care Of Each Other During The Pandemic

*Content from Good Good Good Newsletter

We’re (still) in the midst of a global pandemic. Cases are surging again in states around the country, and the scientific and medical communities have been working hard to learn more about the virus and how we can (continue to!) take care of each other.

Check out these five things anyone can do to keep taking care of each other:

1. Wear a mask and wash your hands. At this point in the pandemic, there are no shortage of options for reusable masks (You can even get one to match your outfit, and they are so much better for the environment than disposable masks). Mask-wearing is effective at stopping the spread of COVID-19, and wearing a mask when you’re in public is a great way to visibly demonstrate to those around you that you care about their health and safety.

And keep washing your hands — especially before you leave your home, when you arrive at your destination, and immediately when you return.

2. Keep social distancing. Now that shops, restaurants, and other public places have started reopening around the country, it’s tempting to revert back to the way we socialized pre-pandemic.

No matter where you live, or what the restrictions are in your community, it’s still a good idea to stay home when you can — and when you do need to go out in public, keep at least 6 feet between yourself and others.

3. Clearly communicate expectations. Don’t assume those around you are following the same safety precautions you are or know the precautions you’re taking. It might feel weird at first, but it will help in the long run to make sure everyone is clear about expectations for interacting — masks, social distancing, limiting socialization, online-only, etc.

4. Be kind to essential workers. Be mindful of those working in industries that have been deemed “essential” — like restaurants, retail, delivery, and medicine. They may not have the option to take the same precautions as you do. Wear your mask when your server comes to your table, acknowledge retail workers when you visit a shop, and say thank you to your delivery driver.

5. Be kind to yourself and each other. We don’t know how the virus is impacting the health — mental or physical — of everyone around us and their loved ones. Treat those around you with empathy, kindness, and compassion.

Health professionals are encouraging all of us to be mindful of both the individual and collective trauma we’re experiencing. Get enough sleep, ask for help, rest if and when you can, and take care of yourself so you can take care of others, too!

6. Give back.

→ Show your gratitude for health care workers by leaving a message of encouragement for a health care worker on the Health Hero Hotline by calling 877-226-HERO.

→ If buying online, consider ordering from a local shop in your community. Many of them are limiting in-store capacity, and doing order pickup, too!

→ With many people still out of work for the time being, consider donating to your local food bank so they can keep their shelves stocked with what they need. Find one near you at feedingamerica.org.

→ Consider helping our youth to thrive during these times. We keep taking care of them and their families, no matter what. Click here if you want to make a gift today.