May 24, 2021

A Youth’s Perseverance and Growth Mindset Entering the Workplace during COVID-19

Continuing to press forward into the future can seem daunting, especially during the current circumstances. Yet, our youth continue to put action into the 9 Core Assets stepping towards their goals.

“I am so proud of this youth’s Growth Mindset as well as the grit that he used to push himself to persevere, and you know what, he is proud of himself as well! Now he has this experience of reaching and exceeding his goal as a reminder of what he can accomplish when he puts his mind to it.”

One of my youth is in 11th grade this year and had a goal of creating his own resume. In the beginning it was a little rough because due to COVID-19, we were not able to meet in person to work on it together. After some problem solving and the use of technology, I was able to share information and ideas on how to create a strong resume even if you are just starting out in the work force. My youth felt so good about how well his resume looked that he was confident enough to start his job search without telling me, and he landed a job at Starbucks.

I am so proud of his Growth Mindset as well as the grit that he used to push himself to persevere, and you know what, he is proud of himself as well! Now he has this experience of reaching and exceeding his goal as a reminder of what he can accomplish when he puts his mind to it.

*Written by a proud Friend. Photo does not reflect youth and mentor in the story.