August 22, 2019

New School Year, New Changes

How youth and mentors are preparing for the upcoming school year.

As summer concludes and the new school year gets underway, there is a mixture of excitement, anxiety and trepidation in the air. Our professional mentors take an active role in supporting the academic goals of our youth all year. They dedicate significant time in the classroom, working with youth and their teachers to ensure they have access to the resources they need.

"I'm a bit nervous to start school since I have a new teacher, but I'm excited to see my friends and to learn new things. I really love art, math, lunch and recess!" - Program youth, 2nd grade

It is also a time for our mentors to identify other areas of strength and opportunity for our youth to grow and develop. When asked what they looked most forward to this upcoming school year, one of our mentors said:

"I look forward to learning new things from my youth as I'll be in the classroom with them a lot this upcoming school year." - Professional mentor